Ćaos ljudovi znam da sam već dugo odsutna i bla bla bla...imala sam neke brljotine sa ocenama u školi i sad to sve moram da popravljam i evo bolesna sam a testove nam daju svaki dan poludeli ljudi načisto lol...al' dobro neće oni moći da me večno muče...evo je mjuzika koju sam najviše slušala oviJEh dana xD
10.Lana Del Rey-Summertime Sadness
9.Little Mix-Wings
8.Goin' Trought ft. Elle Elle (Eleftheria Eleftheriou)-Mistiko Mou
7.Pink-Just Give Me a Reson
6.1D-Kiss You
5.Koza Mostra-Alcohol Is Free (Eurovision 2013 Greece)
4.Lana Del Rey-National Anthem
3.Jay Z-Niggas In Paris
2.Marina and the Diamonds-How To Be a Heartbreaker
Tanananan mesto namber tu!
1.Marina and the Diamonds-Bubblegum Bitch
10.Lana Del Rey-Summertime Sadness
9.Little Mix-Wings
8.Goin' Trought ft. Elle Elle (Eleftheria Eleftheriou)-Mistiko Mou
7.Pink-Just Give Me a Reson
6.1D-Kiss You
5.Koza Mostra-Alcohol Is Free (Eurovision 2013 Greece)
4.Lana Del Rey-National Anthem
3.Jay Z-Niggas In Paris
2.Marina and the Diamonds-How To Be a Heartbreaker
Tanananan mesto namber tu!
1.Marina and the Diamonds-Bubblegum Bitch